Student Login
Online Payment, Online Classes, Test Results and more.
School Contact!
For any queries regarding Online class, Accounts, Online Payment, Google Login and more.
Call +91-8434605912 to resolve login issue between 9:30am to 1:30pm (Monday - Friday).
Call +91-8292621704
Divine Nagar Portal
Student or Parent can now Login with your
Registered Mobile Number (registered in school.)
Online Payment
Online Classes,
Test Results and more.
How to Access Student Portal
Due to the increase in number of COVID19 cases in our town and restrictions imposed on movement of people, its not possible for the teachers to come to school everyday to record lessons and put it on YouTube channel as it used to be. Hence, teachers are going to take live classes from home everyday.
Login Portals
Other login for portals for student.HOW TO ATTEND ONLINE LIVE CLASSES (NURSERY – CLASS XII)
Online live session for Classes Nursery to 12 for all subjects to begin from 13th April 2021 (Tuesday). Students facing any kind of login issues must contact the School office and resolve the issue by 12th April 2021 (Monday). Read the below instructions for details:
- Separate login for Divine Nagar branch and Vidyanagar branch students.
Divine Nagar Vidyanagar - Enter your registered mobile number and the password to login. Students who wish to change their mobile number and who do not have the password must contact the school office during working hours.
- School office is open every day (Monday-Friday) from 9:30am to 1:00pm to assist students and parents.
- After login, you will be able to see the Class Schedule for all subjects. Each subject’s online session duration will be of 30 mins.
- Make sure Google Meet app is installed from the Google Play Store for your convenience.
- Keep your Books and notebooks with you during Class hours and follow the instructions strictly given by the teachers.
- Your classwork and homework or any other written work given by the teacher must be submitted at School office by the parents every two weeks for correction by the teachers.
- Students shall attend the classes wearing School uniforms and keep their camera on and microphone switched off during class hours unless otherwise asked by the teachers.
- Parents shall assist the students in setting up the online classes and will not sit with the students during class hours. Any inconvenience must be reported to the School Office. No teacher should be disturbed during live sessions.
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Increase your Vocabulary
https://www.vocabulary.comTest your spelling acumen. See the definition, listen to the word, then try to spell it correctly. Beat your last streak, or best your overall time. Spellers of the world, untie!
Spelling Bee Champion
- Select class
- The link will take you to vocabulary.com
- Start learning & Master your skill
- When you are ready: Take the Spelling Bee Test
- Share your progress with us.